Tuesday 7 November 2017

Reasons to Buy Damascus steel Knives

At the time of engineering degree, the knowledge for true Damascus steel was lost, much like the knowledge of the recipes for the concrete. Writings found that to temper a Damascus sword the blade must be heated until it glows like the sun rising in the desert. It then should be cooled to the color of royal purple and plunged into the body of a muscular slave so that his strength would be transferred to the sword. The reason for this is similar to Samurai swords-the process allowed for much more homogenous and therefore controlled steel than Damascus pocket knives other methods allowed, making it possible to turn fairly crappy and varying grades of high/low carbon steel into a controlled substance.
We are of the persuasion that much of the Damascus mystique arose, not just from the techniques used, but also from the iron they started w/. Ancient cultures Damascus blade varied in their metallurgical abilities and often (more the farther back in time you go) relied on naturally occurring trace elements to harden their iron. It only takes seconds to swipe the knife through the machine and with the power of a button, that Damascus knife can be as sharp as the day you bought it. Most of them are quite light and some can be held in the hand as they are very compact.
High quality museum blades also sometimes have a rose pattern in them and  successfully reproduced that pattern seen between the ladder rungs in this picture Recently Damascus steel knives several smiths around the world claim they are making these Damascus reproductions but as far as we know no one has reproduced the ladder/rose pattern. For more information, please visit our site https://www.mysmithonlinestudio.com/

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